After completing our 2012 Big Year we are now trying to add around 100 LIFERS to our life list. Join us as we go birding!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Sad News....and Good News!!!
We did not find the Common Crane we were hoping for but we did find about 1000 Sandhill Cranes!!! Full report tomorrow with some pictures!!!!
Yesterday we stopped at a Love's Truck Stop and took a little walk in some woods. We didn't see anything new except a bird Simon has been wanting to see for a while...Brown Creeper.
Not the best photos of the Brown Creeper but sometimes you get a wonderful picture and other times not so much. The photos of the Hairy Woodpecker and White-breasted Nuthatch turned out wonderful!
Today we plan to stop off at Nebraska Nature and Visitor Center. We called them to see if there was room to park a semi tractor trailer and it sounds like we will be able to park along the road, she also informed us that there is a Common Crane there. The Common Crane is an ABA code 4! ABA code 4 means it's a casual visitor, not annual with 6 or more total sightings recorded in North America and 3 or more records in the last 30 years. WOW, we are excited to see this bird, hopefully it will still be there when we arrive. We have 90 more miles to get there. Wish us luck!!! Happy Birding!!
Brown Creeper |
White-breasted Nuthatch |
Hairy Woodpecker |
Not the best photos of the Brown Creeper but sometimes you get a wonderful picture and other times not so much. The photos of the Hairy Woodpecker and White-breasted Nuthatch turned out wonderful!
Today we plan to stop off at Nebraska Nature and Visitor Center. We called them to see if there was room to park a semi tractor trailer and it sounds like we will be able to park along the road, she also informed us that there is a Common Crane there. The Common Crane is an ABA code 4! ABA code 4 means it's a casual visitor, not annual with 6 or more total sightings recorded in North America and 3 or more records in the last 30 years. WOW, we are excited to see this bird, hopefully it will still be there when we arrive. We have 90 more miles to get there. Wish us luck!!! Happy Birding!!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Not Cackling Goose After All....
Well on a disappointing note we had to decrease our number the other day after examining our Cackling Goose more closely. We have noticed that they are just Canada Geese. But we did manage to get a Lifer today and will be reporting back later on tonight or tomorrow afternoon! Happy birding!!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
2 Hawks and 1 Falcon!
Red-tailed Hawk |
Well we started out a little slow seeing a lot of Red-tailed Hawks. Then Simon spotted a Prairie Falcon and then a Cooper's Hawk. After identifying these raptors we stopped off at a rest area in Missouri.. There we spotted a pair of White-throated Sparrows perched in a tree. Then we recognized the call of a Red-shouldered Hawk! We listened and searched the sky for the raptor and then heard it's mate calling back to it. We spotted the Red-shouldered Hawk soaring above up and then we saw them both. After they flew off to far to watch them we headed over to some trees hope for as much action as we had seen a few weeks ago at this location. All we found there was Tufted Titmice and Red-bellied Woodpecker. Starting to head back to the truck we hear a wonderful bird calling out, as we searched the trees we finally found the beauty; European Starling.
European Starling |
Happy Birding!
Red-shouldered Hawk |
Cooper's Hawk Juvenile |
Along the way we noticed a pond behind a truck stop right before we got onto the Oklahoma Turnpike. We've seen these birds all over North America but always nice to get some good pictures of them.
Ring-billed Gulls |
Some Nature Shots From Our Birding Outings!
Misery Bay at Presque State Park |
Sidewalk Trail in Presque Isle State Park |
Presque Isle State Park |
These are some pictures of Presque Isle State Park on Lake Erie in Eric, PA. Very beautiful! We plan to go back here in the spring/summer. Hopefully we get a chance.
Tennessee NWR |
Tennessee NWR |
Here are some from Tennessee NWR we could have stayed there all day along!
Eastern Bluebird
Eastern Bluebird |
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge
Northern Cardinal |
Red-bellied Woodpecker |
Cedarr Waxwing |
Black Vulture |
American Goldfinch bathing |
Hermit Thrush |
Snowy Egret |
Great Blue Heron |
EDIT: The Ovenbird had been misidentified and is really a Hermit Thrush.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Domestic Geese
Brown and White Chinese Geese |
White Chinese Geese |
Today we went to Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge and got quite a few birds. I will be going through photos and will have an update soon.
Brown Chinese Geese |
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Scott M Matheson Wetlands
Yesterday as we were traveling south on US highway 191 we stopped off at Scott M. Matheson Wetland in Moab, Utah. We saw a new lifer Spotted Towhee.
They are very pretty songbirds and our first Towhee! They were jumping from branch to branch and didn't go to far off the ground, unlike some birds that fly higher up in the trees. The trees they were jumping around in were very thick so that was challenging to get a good shot of them. The Wetland had had a wildfire last summer and had just recently reopened in October. They had not totally finished cleaning up from the fire so there was piles around the walk way but the walk way was still pretty. I would recommend this place to anyone who enjoys nature.
After seeing the Towhee, Simon was still trying to get a decent picture of the Spotted Towhee when I walked ahead and around a curve in the boardwalk I thought I heard something walking around on the ground but couldn't make anything out. I was looking for the Towhee since we had just seen it on the the ground but still saw nothing. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw what I thought was a coyote. OMG! He just walked out from the shrubs and kept on walking didn't even look at me. Then I told Simon what I had saw and we walked further down and he saw it and said it was a dog....I'm not sure if I saw a coyote or not.
As we went on down the trail we saw some other birds we already have on our big year. Such as Yellow-rumped Warbler, Dark-eyed Juncos, Northern Flickers, Yellow-crowned Sparrows, Song Sparrow and Black-billed Magpies, American Kestrel.
The White-crowned Sparrow was a tricky one with curved black lines on the head and a chin marking, this would make it West Taiga.
We were able to get a pretty good picture of the Northern Flicker and American Kestrel.
The black-billed Magpie was quiet tricky to photography but we managed to get a few good ones in there.
We planned only to stay 1 1/2 hour but that got extended by an hour when we took a "shortcut". With some of the trees down and in piles we hit a dead end and had to turn around and find the trail again. Once we got back to the main trail we checked the time and high tailed it back to the truck.
We got back on the road with our total only up by one
but the day was not over yet! As Simon was driving he spotted two Northern Groshawk but we were on back roads with nowhere to pull off as there was no shoulders on these roads. So we got no picture of those but those put us up to 102! Our number keeps getting bigger and its still January!!
Spotted Towhee |
After seeing the Towhee, Simon was still trying to get a decent picture of the Spotted Towhee when I walked ahead and around a curve in the boardwalk I thought I heard something walking around on the ground but couldn't make anything out. I was looking for the Towhee since we had just seen it on the the ground but still saw nothing. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw what I thought was a coyote. OMG! He just walked out from the shrubs and kept on walking didn't even look at me. Then I told Simon what I had saw and we walked further down and he saw it and said it was a dog....I'm not sure if I saw a coyote or not.
As we went on down the trail we saw some other birds we already have on our big year. Such as Yellow-rumped Warbler, Dark-eyed Juncos, Northern Flickers, Yellow-crowned Sparrows, Song Sparrow and Black-billed Magpies, American Kestrel.
American Kestrel |
Northern flicker |
We were able to get a pretty good picture of the Northern Flicker and American Kestrel.
The black-billed Magpie was quiet tricky to photography but we managed to get a few good ones in there.
Black-billed Magpie |
White-crowned Sparrow West Taiga Variety |
but the day was not over yet! As Simon was driving he spotted two Northern Groshawk but we were on back roads with nowhere to pull off as there was no shoulders on these roads. So we got no picture of those but those put us up to 102! Our number keeps getting bigger and its still January!!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Leucism Red-tailed Hawk and other birds we've already seen....
Well it's been a few days since we've been on here, mainly because we haven't gone birding. Today was different though, we got out and tried to do a little birding. The first bird we saw was a interesting Red-tailed Hawk. This Red-tailed Hawk had a white facial features and also had this effect on his sides too.
Hopefully this leucism red-tailed Hawk will not be affected too much more by this disease. When birds get this they can be more vulnerable then birds without this abnormality; wings can get more weaker, mating can become harder, smaller birds with leucistic are easier to see for their prey, and list goes on. This Red-tailed Hawk is quiet beautiful and is also the Krider's group of Red-tailed Hawk. There are so many variations of RTH that it is sometimes hard to figure out which one we have photographed.
The next stop was a rest area along Interstate 84 where there was a nice group of Starlings and Dark-eyed Juncos flying from tree to tree. We also saw a Yellow-rumped Warbler that Simon was hoping was a Northern Parula but no dice. Then I got a shot of a Northern Flicker and a crow. All birds that we have already seen today. So, no new birds today all ones we had already seen. But hopefully we will get some new ones tomorrow as we drive through Utah! So until tomorrow, happy birding!!
Red-tailed Hawk |
Red-tailed Hawk in flight |
Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Friday, January 20, 2012
Day 20 of our big year we are on our way to Portland, OR and having a little bit of trouble getting there. The chain law is in effect so last night the chains went on two tires. But this morning as we continue for our destination we hear a strange noise; the chains were wrapped around the axle. After we took the chains off we got further down the road and hear another weird noise coming from the tires, but we were just a little bit from our fuel stop so we just waited till then. Once we arrived there we found out that we need to get our tired repaired. Luckily just the valve stem so once we got into the shop it only took 20 minutes; but took 1 1/2 hour to get into the shop. This gave Simon time to go check out some sparrows that I had spotted behind some trucks. I opted to stay in the truck because there was ice on top of the snow and there was a drop off behind the trucks and I've fallen enough times already this year.
When he came I went through his pictures and saw very excited to see a new sparrow for us. Finally a new sparrow!!! Golden-crowned Sparrow. He only saw the female but the male has black strips instead of the brown strips on the head.
He also got some more Dark-eyed Juncos and Black-crowned Sparrow. We got the Oregon Group of the Dark-eyed Junco species. Some birds have subspecies and some do not. The Junco has five different subspecies; Slate-colored Group, Oregon Group, Pink-sided Group, Gray-headed Group, and White-winged Group. We now have all except the White-winged and Gray-headed Groups.
As we drove along the Columbia River we saw what looked like a Western Grebe but we are not counting it since we could not confirm that it wasn't Clark's Grebe. But Clark's Grebe isn't up here in the winter but I'm still not counting him. We finally made it to Portland so I hope everyone has a fabulous day and stay warm! We are so happy we hit 100 today!! Thank you Golden-crowned Sparrow for being number 100!
When he came I went through his pictures and saw very excited to see a new sparrow for us. Finally a new sparrow!!! Golden-crowned Sparrow. He only saw the female but the male has black strips instead of the brown strips on the head.
Golden-crowned sparrow |
Dark-eyed Junco~Oregon Group |
As we drove along the Columbia River we saw what looked like a Western Grebe but we are not counting it since we could not confirm that it wasn't Clark's Grebe. But Clark's Grebe isn't up here in the winter but I'm still not counting him. We finally made it to Portland so I hope everyone has a fabulous day and stay warm! We are so happy we hit 100 today!! Thank you Golden-crowned Sparrow for being number 100!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Yesterday, as we were waiting for our trailer to be loaded at Henderson, Nevada we thought if we got out of there soon enough we would stop at Pahranagat NWR. We did in fact get out in time and made our way to the refuge. We were a few miles from the spot were we could park the truck, that's the tricky part about traveling in a 70 foot vehicle, we were noticing how low the lower lake was. Was a little worried also as we weren't seeing any ducks in the lower lake.
As we made it up the hill the lake came into view along with ducks and swans! Swan! I get pretty excited when we see a new species that you wouldn't see everyday! So I was booted up and had my hoodie on so I jumped out to get a shot of the Tundra Swans.
They were on the other side of the lake so even for our 500 mm lens we needed to get a little closer for some good pics of the swans. Simon caught sight of some ducks that were sleeping but soon realized they were just your average Mallard. As we moved forward we saw an sparrow bouncing around on the ground, that was a Song Sparrow, we've seen plenty of those lately. As we started down the pathway I caught sight of a Great Roadrunner! OMG! A Greater Roadrunner! I mean we have been wanting to see one of those for a while and Simon even thought he saw one last month but we were unsure so couldn't count it. But this guy we got photos of, not the best since he didn't like to stand in the same spot every long and can run fast!
Also at that time we were trying to sneak up on some ducks. In the flock of ducks we saw some Ring-necked Ducks, Northern Pintails, and Canvasbacks. We got a couple good snaps of them before they saw us and took off but left there young behind, which was kind of odd. From there we were getting closer to the swans!
The Canvasbacks would be a lifer for us and would bring us closer to our goal of 100 for the month. Taking a few more photos of the swans, Simon seeing the roadrunner running down the path again. But miss the shot. Moving on we get to group of trees and hear songbirds singing away. Oh, too not have a care in the world and just sing all day hopping from one branch to another. We ID the songbirds as Black-crowned Sparrows and move on to the swans. They are starting to moving on as well but never fly away, we both get a couple shots of the swans and plan our next course of action. We were thinking about walking around the lake but that was before Simon fell into the lake, only up to his ankles. The temperature was 50 degrees, but had it be 20 degrees colder we would had had to end our trip and get back to the truck fast! Don't want to loss any body parts to the cold weather! From there we headed back the way we came and saw some Lesser Goldfinch. On our way back to the truck we spotted the Greater Roadrunner again! I think
at this point he's just teasing us! But we tried for a couple more shots before he took off. Then we headed down a little path and saw some more Song Sparrows, Chipping Sparrow and a Ladder-backed Woodpecker. Our time was running out and we had to get back on the road. All the birds we saw put us to 99 birds so far this year.
As we made it up the hill the lake came into view along with ducks and swans! Swan! I get pretty excited when we see a new species that you wouldn't see everyday! So I was booted up and had my hoodie on so I jumped out to get a shot of the Tundra Swans.
Tundra Swan |
Tundra Swan |
They were on the other side of the lake so even for our 500 mm lens we needed to get a little closer for some good pics of the swans. Simon caught sight of some ducks that were sleeping but soon realized they were just your average Mallard. As we moved forward we saw an sparrow bouncing around on the ground, that was a Song Sparrow, we've seen plenty of those lately. As we started down the pathway I caught sight of a Great Roadrunner! OMG! A Greater Roadrunner! I mean we have been wanting to see one of those for a while and Simon even thought he saw one last month but we were unsure so couldn't count it. But this guy we got photos of, not the best since he didn't like to stand in the same spot every long and can run fast!
Greater Roadrunner |
Canvasback |
Also at that time we were trying to sneak up on some ducks. In the flock of ducks we saw some Ring-necked Ducks, Northern Pintails, and Canvasbacks. We got a couple good snaps of them before they saw us and took off but left there young behind, which was kind of odd. From there we were getting closer to the swans!
Ring-necked Ducks |
Lesser Goldfinch |
Lesser Goldfinch |
Chipping Sparrow |
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