Before we went to Fargo Sewage Lagoons we stopped off at Elmwood Park in Fargo for a few hours. The lighting was no good as it was cloudy and getting dark but we spotted 2 new birds that night and went back the next morning for a few more new birds. The pathway was right along the river and the bank was covered in trees.
Swainson's Thrush |
This Swainson's Thrush actually perched for a little bit before flying away. We actually spotted the Swainson's Thrush at a rest area in North Dakota We also saw some Warbling Vireo, Black-capped Chickadee, and a pair of American Redstarts. I had never thought they were such small birds, but they have a very distinctive markings. Another bird!
Female American Redstart |
Next, we saw the Nashville Warbler, which is a new year bird! There was a great deal of bird activity but since the birds were in the shade my camera wouldn't take pictures due to the low light and I can't use the flash with my long lens. So, Simon put his camera on auto to use the flash, which results in poor photo quality.
Nashville Warbler |
Here's a very nice Chestnut-sided Warbler that turned out very nice.
Chestnut-sided Warbler |
Female Blackpoll Warbler |
We then decided we would go to the Sewage Lagoons(previous blog) and come back to the park in the morning. Sure glad we got our butts out of bed and went to the park; we added seven more.
Tennessee Warbler |
There was a little watering hole that the birds seemed to be hanging out in. Basically just a little puddle of water in the shore of the river with a few dead trees on the ground. Thats where we saw the female Blackpoll Warbler, Nashville Warbler, Tennessee Warbler and the Willow Flycatcher all taking turns getting their bath.
Willow Flycatcher |
Blackburnian Warbler |
There had been reports of a Cape May Warbler on eBird, but we saw the Blackburnian Warbler instead. What a beautifully bright little bird!
Magnolia Warbler |
After that we spotted the Magnolia Warbler but didn't get that great of a photo.
Northern Waterthrush |
On our way back to the car we stopped off at the watering hole and spotted the Northern Waterthrush and the Red-eyed Vireo.
Red-eyed Vireo |
Happy Birding!!
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