Cattle Egret |
Well since we were unable to get into Buckley Cove Park on Monday because of our lack of cash, we headed out there only because Greater White-fronted Geese were spotted there. But once we got in there we only saw crows, sparrows, Cattle Egrets, and juncos. So that was a little disappointing mostly since it cost us 2.50!
Green Heron |
So we headed north on the I-5 and turned on highway 12 and found a park (can't remember the name if it) but there we saw a White-tailed Kite, a Green Heron, and a Snowy Egret.
Snowy Egret |
Below are those pictures. Simon was so focused on taking the Green Heron photos that he actually walked right by the White-tailed Kite perched on top of a leaf-less tree. I was out on a dock watching the Green Heron and I looked up and saw the Kite. I tried to get Simon's attention and was just going to point to the Kite, but he paid no attention to me. He thought I was going to scare the heron away if I talked, but I was only going to point. I have before spoken to loudly and scared a bird or two away. But I really wanted to get a good shot of this Kite! So I started walking over to where the Kite was and also keeping an eye on Simon and finally he looked at me and I pointed to the raptor! He got some really good shots of it with his 650mm lens. I had the 500mm lens and couldn't seem to get focused in on the eye. So I'm sharing Simon's shot of the White-tailed Kite.
White-tailed Kite |
After we got done there we were headed back to our car and saw the park manager looking at our car to see if we had a sticker. We didn't even see the pay station but he didn't make us pay and he even gave us some places to check out in the area. That is how we found Cosumnes River Preserve.
Northern Pintails |
Once we arrived we saw the pond covered in Great White-fronted Geese, American Wigeons, Northern Shovelers and Coots. We got to snapping and we also saw a Great-tailed Grackle. We then headed over to the boardwalk and continued on to the walk around the river.
American Wigeon |
We heard wrens, but couldn't seen any, except one that popped up on a tree branch while we were searching for a Common Yellowthroat to resurface. It never did. Lots of Ruby-crowned Kinglets and Spotted Towhees. Northern Pintails in a slough feeding. All males though didn't see any females. Black-necked Stilts, more Coots and Mallards. We came across this beautiful Great Blue Heron and I got a great portrait shot! Then we got a frontal shot of his beautiful beard!

We then went down a little bit more and came to the river got a shot of the railroad bridge and headed back.

On the way back we witnessed 3 Mallards. Two males and one female. First one of the males chased the female off and was chasing her then all three were flying in circles over the slough. They did this about three times. Beautiful show! I'm not sure but I"m guessing its got something to do with mating.
One last bird we saw was the Bushtit. Got some slightly blurry shots of them. We had a lot of fun this last week while out birding and sightseeing! Hope to do it again soon, but now we are headed to eastern PA and it's gonna be COLD and SNOWY....I'm not looking forward to it at all!!
Bushtit |
Northern Shovelers |
Greater White-fronted Geese |
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